open mYnd
an arts based, social emotional learning programme for young people.
open mynd is an arts based social-emotional learning programme for young people. the programme aims to develop a strong self-identity by improving self-efficacy & enhancing self-awareness & self-esteem. it seeks to build resilience & enable young people to manage the stressors of daily life in an effective manner.
through the course of the programme, young people learn to build their own arsenal of life skills that will enable them to effectively understand themselves, their relationships & the ecosystem they are a part of.
the programme delivery is split across three domains:
enabling greater understanding of self
‘me’ explores various aspects of our self, including our identity, emotions, bodies, experiences, preferences, character strengths & challenges. the outcomes include self-awareness & the development of individual, personal stories & narratives.
me &:
building relational capabilities -- exploring the self in conjunction with others around
‘me &’ explores conversations & comfort levels in relationships, the different levels of closeness / degrees of relationships & factors that strengthen relationships or cause challenges.
me & myn:
fostering ecological and social awareness & highlighting the symbiotic relationship between self and society
'me & myn’ extends the conversations around ourselves & our relationships to – conversations around the larger society, prevalent social norms, and the influence of various social constructs & institutions, including -- gender & sexuality, religion, money, technology, news, social media & mental health. these conversations encourage students to reflect on & build their own ideas & perspectives on various aspects of the society, and also aims to strengthen their support systems.
open mYnd?
the open mYnd circle offers young people the opportunity to explore various aspects of their self, their relationships and their relationships with the larger world. social emotional programmes such as open mYnd build & strengthen protective factors (for instance — strong coping mechanisms, problem solving skills, emotional awareness and regulation skills etc), offer a safe space for conversations (including conversations on taboo topics, such as sexuality), normalise frequently experienced challenges (for instance - difficulties with communicating one’s feelings to others, conflict in relationships) & strengthen support networks.
young people also experience several changes on biological, emotional & social levels, which can sometimes be challenging to navigate. the open mYnd programme aims to validate conversations around mental health, and also normalise mental health challenges & illnesses, build trust and comfort & encourage support seeking.
findings from research indicate that the impact of social-emotional programmes can be observed through young adulthood & even later on in life.
for more details, reach out to us!
we'd be happy to get in touch & have a conversation with you.